Whispering Noise(Installation view), at N/A, Seoul, 2024

Whispering Noise(2024)

Group exhibition with Leesop Cho and Youngho Jeong, at N/A , Seoul

09.03.24 - 07.04.24


INTRO+VERTIGE(Live), 5 channel sound installation, 3'50", horn speaker, loudspeaker, mic stand, bass amp, guitar amp, 2024


Groupie, steel, resin, chrome, 1800x1200x300, 2024


Absorber I : Silence of the Meridian, wood, acoustic foam, embroidery on fabric, 400x600x200 each, 2024


Smells like 30s spirit, artist fragrance with a scent machine, 2024


Sisyphean drumming, 3 lenticular prints, 420x594 each, 2024


photo : Jinhyuk Oh