Ruhezeit(Installation view), 2022

Ruhezeit (2022)

≪Ruhezeit≫ is a project about a relationship between noise and music with two works based on a special law about noise regulation and quite hours in Germany and a historical event in 1989 that the U.S.A army used a psychoacoustic sonic weapon to arrest Manuel Noriega with Rock music.

≪Ambient 1 : Music for Mittagsruhe≫ and ≪Ambient 1 : Music for Nachtruhe≫ are sound works which was composed with field recording which was recorded in the same exhibition place in advance and some acoustic instruments which are allowed to play in apartment by the law. The title of the work was borrowed from the album title of Brian Eno, the founder of Ambient and the two sound works intersect at sunset and generate silence in Ruhezeit.

≪Serenade for Noriega≫ is an installation with 96 cassette tapes with song titles that were played as a sonic weapon by U.S.A army to arrest dictator in Panama, Manuel Noriega in 1989. The graphic on the cassette tapes were from cover of a military report about this event. 


Ruhezeit(Installation view), 2022

Ruhezeit(Installation view), 2022

Serenade for Noriega, 2022

Serenade for Noriega, detail, 2021